About Marie

About Paul

Anime Reviews








We want to hear your dreams.

 Click here and sent them to us we will try and use the all.


What's on Marie's Mind:

Hey everybody! Here's the start of the characters. And of course I had to start out with little ol'me. hehe. But this is going to be fun to do. In the pic you can't really see them but I put on strip green and black tights. Man do I like those! Even though I don't own a pair myself. One day......^_^
But work has been making me tired, doing the same thing day in and day out.
bleh. Art is becoming the one thing that is lifting my spirits up. And watching a few movies. hehe. I've also been having a blast drawing on the oekaki board I go to.^_^
But I would also like the ideas of some of the people that are actually reading this comic. ^_^
Since this comic is going to be about dreams and wishes, I would like it if you guys could send us dreams that you have had, or nightmares. Also your what you have always wished to happen. That way we can get you involved as well in the comic. Cool huh? ^_^




What's on Paul's Mind:


Well it looks like we found Marie.  As for me I had a bit of a rough day at work.  It sucks having to follow all these stupid rules and regulations.  Blah blah blah.  And soon I will start my second job.  YAY!  More money.  hehehe.  Not much on the gaming front for me.  Just doing the usual.