About Marie

About Paul

Marie's Art

Up and coming animes

Story of Vale

Convention Pictures

Fan Art


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What's on Marie's Mind:

Hey there everyone. First off I want to say sorry about the lack of updates.
It was all my fault I have been on vacation and have been busy sleeping in,
watching movies, and doing things with the family figures. ^_^ But soon it
will all end and I will be back to doing pages at a regular time and place.
I do hope that you are enjoying yourselves so far. ^_^ I am learning more
and more as I keep on drawing these pages. ^_^ Things should get back to
normal after the 11th. I promise. ^_^





What's on Paul's Mind:


Still working on Vale. I decided to redo the first two ones I did before. I am working on adding some more movement and some music which is harder than I thought. grr Oh I have some fan art and I will begin posting it up : )