Distances Apart


About Marie

About Paul

Anime Reviews








What's on Marie's Mind:

Marie finally got a job.  So she is really really really busy.

Marie's real comments:

Well I finally got a job for the summer, and today was my first day. Because I hadn't had time to do the comic today I had Paul do a Filler. And I am really impressed. It looks really nice. I'm going to have to have him do more of these things. ^_^ He'll probably kill me for saying that. hehe. But I swear that I will have a comic for Saturday. And I can promise that it will be a cute one. =^^= I have also started to schedule in my classes for college. I hadn't done it in so long that I forgot how much of a pain that it is. lol.



What's on Paul's Mind:


Hey everyone.  Marie is really really... well you already know that rest of that.  So she asked me to do a filler comic today.  Since I don't have a scanner or drawing abilities I decided on this instead.  Hope you can tolerate it.  I really need to get Photoshop installed on this computer.