About Marie

About Paul

Anime Reviews








What's on Marie's Mind:

I had fun with this page today. I think is was the fact that I got to put the Lequon doll into soo many outfits, even a leaf. ^_^. Fourth of July went pretty well. Went with the Fam. to watch fireworks and have a bug crawl up my leg. But the firework show was spectactular, along with your regular fourth of July music.I also came to an even definent conclusion that I don't like summer weather. It's sticky, hot, and all around no good. bleh. Prefer winter weather over anything else. ^_^




What's on Paul's Mind:


Well I finally go the Millenium Falcon up and running.  The MF is my secondary computer that I use to download Bit Torrents.  It's up and running 24/7 now.  YAY!  That makes it so much easier on me.  I am planning on going to Otakon 2003 this year.  I will be doing some cosplay hopefully.  I will be dressing as Clive from Wild Arms 3.