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What's on Marie's Mind:

I thought that this time I would give these guys a chance to shine. Even though the Lequon doll wanted to take all the glory. hehe. Things again are starting to pick up here in my wonderful college life. lol. But I think I can handle it. A person always needs stress to get you going. LOL. I just can't wait until next when I get to eat a bunch of good food at thanksgiving. ^_^ FOOD IS GOOD! hehe





What's on Paul's Mind:


Oiye busy busy busy busy. I have been sooo busy. I don't even have time to play my video games much anymore. Oohhh T_T Oh well. I have been finishing the last of the pricing on the new computer I am building. Shouldn't be to bad. A little more than I orginally thought but hey what can you do. Once I get this computer done it will really help me. I can work on Vale at work and at other places. It will be nice. I really wish I didn't have to work so much. That's probably the biggest problem. I work waaay to much. It sucks but I figure if I get out of debt now I will be better off. *Sigh* Well an interesting thing that might happen to me is that I might be evicted from my apartment. Especially since my roomate owes over a $800 dollars to the landlord. But since I already made back up plans I am not worried. Just so long as I can take my stuff out of there. hehehehe.