About Marie

About Paul

Marie's Art

Up and coming animes

Story of Vale

Convention Pictures

Fan Art


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What's on Marie's Mind:

Hello everybody, hope that everyone is doing well. I think that finally these next few weeks things will be alright. I won't be as busy as I have been. YAY! But on with the comic. ^_^
Well it looks like it's going to be the end to our first bad guy. hehe, oh well freeze was great to draw, I guess it on to better things. ^_^





What's on Paul's Mind:


I found this really kewl thing today. It's a floor! Yes that's right I cleaned my room. I hate doing it but since I lost the TV remote for over four weeks it was time to clean, no I am joking it wasn't that bad. I only lost my windows XP key for over a two months. Now that is bad. Well I get to shot stuff and now I am going to shoot myself into bed. Night night.