About Marie

About Paul

Marie's Art

Up and coming animes

Story of Vale

Convention Pictures

Fan Art


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What's on Marie's Mind:

Hiya everyone. well it looks like it's good bye to freeze. ^_^ what's next?
You'll just have to wait and see. ^_^ yes I know that I'm evil. lol But I have already scheduled classes for spring and the only thing that I will have to worry about now is how I'm going to buy my books. ^_^ But I think that I will be able to graduate next year. I can't believe it! It's happening all too fast. Oh well. You gotta go through life sometime. ^_^





What's on Paul's Mind:


Hey popples. It's a big week this week. Final Fantasy X-2 and Nadesico the movie come out tomorrow. I am still working on Vale but money problems are coming up. I can't afford soo many games at once. Grr, need to do some work on that. Oh well. I might have to think up some alternative methods soon. Shouldn't be tooo hard. Well Freeze is captured. But I want to shoot more stuff. Well Annette is yelling at me to update this. Here you go Annette :P